Key: FD, MC, FF
Description: The girls continue their sexy hypnotic game of Truth of Dare, where the first dare finally comes into play.
Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi
The five girls all sat around the coffee table in the living room area of their cabin, each holding the top card of their deck. With a mixture of devious and eager smiles, they all dropped them at the same time. A six of spades went to Trisha and the eight of hearts to Eve, while Laura laid down the eight of diamonds. Klaire placed a jack of diamonds on the table, which would end up being the winning card, and, finally, Rayne placed a two of spades, the losing card.
Klaire gave a small, almost devious smile as she looked up at Rayne and then leaned forward. “Truth…or Dare?” she asked, almost challenging Rayne to accept a dare.
Rayne smiled in return. “Dare!” she said confidently.
Everyone else perked up and looked between Rayne and Klaire with eager anticipation. This was, after all, the first dare and they were curious to see what Klaire would come up with, especially being so new to hypnosis.
Klaire leaned back and exaggerated a pose of contemplation, looking up at the ceiling while tapping her lips with her index finger. “Hmmmm…” she started, dragging out her decision much longer than she needed to since she already had a dare in mind. Finally she snapped out of her pose, leaning forward again and looking at Rayne deviously. “Rayne, I dare you to whisper your most seductive hypnotic suggestion into someone’s ear and see how they react.”
The others quickly looked over to Rayne, waiting to see her reaction but knowing there was no way she wouldn’t accept the dare. “Anyone here?” Rayne asked, leaning in closer to Klaire.
“Anyone…except me. I want to watch it, not experience it. Not yet anyway.”
Rayne hid a moment of disappointment, which Klaire couldn’t help but notice as a shiver went down her spine. “As you wish.” Rayne said seductively, standing up and pacing around the others while she pondered her suggestion. She already knew who was going to be her target, the most dramatic of the three girls remaining. But she wanted to build some tension.
The other three girls watched over their shoulders as Rayne slowly paced back and forth behind them, Laura grinned, enjoying the theatrics of the situation, although the others looked a little more nervous.
Rayne moved up behind Eve, then quickly leaned in to Trisha and began to whisper into her ear. “I want you to imagine, my dear Trisha, what it would feel like for you to simply surrender. For you to simply give in and let your mind just drift away, let your thoughts simply slip into my control, into my voice. To let yourself just imagine the pleasure that I could give you, deeply and completely down in the most…private of places, the kind of control I could have over your, and the many many ways I could use you for my own pleasure…and reward you, with your own, deep, erotic orgasms. I think you can…cum…to believe you’d like that now Trisha.”
Of course she did actually whisper this into Trisha’s ear, covering her mouth so that only the two of them would hear it. The others, however, were lucky enough to get a very clear view of Trisha’s smile slowly fading, her cheeks flushing just a bit as her eyes started to twitch and flutter. Her head tilted back as she let out a loud, almost sexual, moan as she simply shivered under the suggestion that slipped into her mind. What that suggestion was, the other girls were left to wonder.
Rayne pulled back with a very content smile as Trisha sat in her chair, breathing deeply for a few moments before opening her eyes and looking up at the younger freshman. “I’m going to hold you to that, you know!” she said without the slightest hint of sarcasm or irony, just pure matter of fact truth.
“Oh…” Rayne started, leaning in again, “I expect you to.” She leaned closer, so much so that the others thought she was about to kiss Trisha, but before she did she simply turned her head and walked past her clearly aroused friend and returned to her place at the table, content in the little performance that she had just given. “Next round, ladies?” she said, picking up her top card once again.
“No, wait!” Klaire interrupted, looking flustered. “What did you say to her?” she asked, obviously curious.
Rayne tilted her head and leaned in closer to Klaire “If you’re good. maybe I’ll tell you later.” Rayne smiled before dropping the next card on the table, a three of clubs. Trisha followed suit with a jack of spades while Eve dropped a nine of clubs. Laura dropped the two of clubs and let out an obvious sigh of disappointment, and finally Klaire, who was still glaring at Rayne, set down her own card, a two of hearts.
“Looks like I finally won!” Trisha said with a pleased smile.
“Yeah but we tied.” Laura said, pointing to herself and then to Klaire. “Do we go again to see who loses or what?”
“Nope!” Trisha declared before anyone else could answer. “You both have to answer Truth or Dare, but you can only give one answer. Then you both have to do the truth or the dare, whatever that may be!”
Rayne gave an impressed shrug and looked at Laura and Klaire. The two young women looked at each other and shared a moment of silent agreement, before both answering “Dare!”
Trisha smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.” She looked around the table for a moment and then continued. “I dare the two of you to give someone here a slow, sensual countdown as if you were putting them into a trance.”
Laura and Klaire looked at one another again for a moment, then back to Trisha. “Who do we do this to?”
“Rayne.” Trisha replied hurriedly before anyone else could speak up.
“Me?!” Rayne asked, taken by surprise. “Why me?”
“Well, you did have the second lowest card here.” Eve said in an attempt to be diplomatic.
“And I want to see you hypnotized.” Trisha added bluntly.
This, of course, made Rayne more defiant as she leaned back and smiled. “Oh is that so? Fine then!” she said, looking over to Laura and Klaire. “Do your worst!”
Laura sat up, excited for the opportunity, but Klaire spoke up before she could form a plan. “Ummm, one small problem. I don’t know how to do any of this?” she admitted.
“Don’t worry, I have an idea!” Laura said, grabbing Klaire’s arm and excitedly pulling her off of the couch and heading into the kitchen. The other three all watched as Laura whispered into Klaire’s ear, muffling the sound of her voice with her hands. Klaire, for the most part, seemed to be listening intently and trying to follow Laura.
“And this will work?” Klaire asked, seemingly doubtful.
“Trust me!” Laura confidently responded as she moved back into the living room and stood directly in front of Rayne. Klaire followed a few seconds later and stood next to her, both of them looking down at Rayne, one confident, one nervous.
For her part Rayne looked up at Laura and Klaire and for the first time in a while felt…small. She was always shorter than just about everyone else, except Klaire, but while she was sitting and they were standing both staring down at her, about to try and hypnotize her, something about the situation just made her feel small.
Laura turned and smiled at Klaire. “When you’re ready!” she said excitedly.
Rayne glanced over to Klaire and watched as her roommate took a deep breath and shrugged, then calmly said “Ten.”
“Just feel your body starting to relax now…” Laura added.
“Every number helps you to just let go, and loosen.” Laura continued.
“Eight.” Klaire’s voice was becoming lower and slower with each number.
“Feeling the relaxation slipping through your body, softly as you just feel yourself becoming…heavy…and tired.”
Rayne couldn’t help but blink a few times as she fought to keep her muscles tense, even though they wanted to let go. “Seven” she heard Klaire say softly, and she couldn’t help but realize just how sexy of a situation this was. It was the kind of situation she didn’t realize she wanted.
“Everything is fading away now, Rayne.” Laura said as her voice became a little softer, a little slower.
“Six…” there was almost a seductive quality to the tone that Klaire was using now.
“Half way there now…halfway down to sleep…” Laura gave her a soft little smile.
Trisha was transfixed on the scene in front of her, watching as Rayne seemed to be slowly drifting away with every number. But she also failed to realize just how relaxed she was becoming.
“Five…” Klaire let the number hang in the air and drag out slowly.
“So nice to just drift away…and rest…you need your rest…you can see that to be true now…” Laura said, more of a statement than a question.
“Four…” Klaire couldn’t help but let a sense of power slip out in her otherwise soothing tone.
“Already sinking into a trance…already slipping down to sleep.” Laura’s face had relaxed, the smile was gone as she tried to be as soothing as possible.
Eve sat on the floor, unknowingly relaxing as her left hand slowly slipped from her lap and down next to her leg.
“Three.” Klaire’s tone picked up a bit as it added emphasis to the number.
“Ready to drop the rest of the way now.” Laura added, giving Klaire a look.
“Two…” Klaire returned the look to Laura with a surprised smile.
“Ready to let go completely now…” Laura raised her right hand a bit.
“One…” Klaire followed suit, watching Laura for their agreed upon cue.
“Time for you to enter, a nice…deep…” Laura let the word hang in the air for a moment.
“Zero…” Klaire said as she looked at Laura to get her timing right.
And then at the exact same time, both young women snapped their fingers in Rayne’s direction and said “Sleep!”
Despite watching both young women directly in front of her, the finger snap took Rayne completely by surprise. Her body jerked and, in her mind, she completely forgot what she was doing. All that remained was a single word, sleep. “Yeah…that sounds…” she thought to herself as her eyes closed and her head fell to her chest, her short red hair bouncing around her face and framing it perfectly.
“Holy crap!” Klaire exclaimed excitedly. “It actually worked!”
Just then, the two women were distracted by the sound of Eve falling back and landing on the floor with a thud. They turned around to see her flat on her back, deeply hypnotized with her long brown hair spread out around her. Next to her, sitting with her legs crossed and her head on her shoulders, was an equally hypnotized Trisha.
“It worked a lot better than we realized!” Laura said with a playful laugh before looking back at Klaire. “Good job!” she said proudly.
“Thanks!” Klaire responded, visibly confused and yet a little intoxicated by the power. “Will they remember this when they wake up?”
“Only if we tell them to!” Laura said with a devious grin. “Why, is there something you’d like to suggest to them?”
Klaire tried to play it off like she didn’t really have anything in mind, but her gaze lingered just a bit too long on Rayne. She couldn’t help but be distracted by seeing her so relaxed, so helpless like this. Her usually difficult and always stubborn roommate looked almost…beautiful in this state.
Laura smiled. “Go on…do it. I won’t tell anyone.” Laura smiled deviously and nudged Klaire’s shoulder.
Klaire took a step closer to Rayne and then looked back at Laura. “You’re…you’re sure she won’t remember?”
Laura’s smile grew more devious before she leaned in and whispered to Rayne loud enough for Klaire to hear. “Rayne…when you wake up, you won’t remember anything that happened while you were hypnotized, only that it was very relaxing. Isn’t that right?”
“...yes…” Rayne responded in a voice that was somehow even smaller than it usually sounded.
“See?” Laura said with a smile, but noticed that Klaire wasn’t looking at her any more. She was already slowly moving towards Rayne, tilting the head of her hypnotized roommate up so she could look her in the eyes.
“The fact that you won’t remember this…somehow makes this moment even better for me.” Klaire said deviously before leaning in and kissing Rayne. Of course, the suggestions given to her the night before were fully influencing her thoughts and actions without her knowledge. The kiss, like Klaire, was both tender and forceful at the same time. She seemed to relish the control she had over her roommate, while at the same time wanting to comfort her.
Laura just smiled and sat down on the couch, watching Klaire with interest and enjoying the view as Klaire slowly pulled away and let Rayne’s head fall back to her chest. “Enjoy yourself?” Laura teased playfully.
“Very much so!” Klaire said with a bit of an embarrassed blush. “Now what do we do?”
Laura sat up, looking more serious for a moment/ “Ladies, all of you will wake up on the count of three. All of you will remember that you were hypnotized, and remember exactly how good it felt to slip under for the two of us. But you will have no need at all to remember anything that was said or done to you, or anyone else, while you were hypnotized. Only that it felt very good.” Laura glanced over to Klaire, “Would you like to do the honors? Counting has been your thing here, after all.”
“Thank you.” Klaire said sarcastically and stuck her tongue out at Laura as she sat down. “1…2…3…get up!”
Trisha was the first to wake up, almost jerking awake like she had fallen asleep in a meeting and had to catch herself. Eve opened her eyes and stretched out on the floor as Rayne slowly tilted her head up with a deep red blush. “Well, that was…unexpected.” she said in an unusually shy tone.
“Great job, you two!” Trisha exclaimed proudly.
“Thank you.” Laura said before pointing to Klaire. “And thank you!” she said with a smile.
Klaire bowed in her seat a bit sarcastically, but refused to look at Rayne. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her roommate staring at her with a very different expression than she had seen before, a mixture of arousal and defiance. And she loved it. “Next round?” she said casually as she picked up the next card.
To Be Continued…
Curious what might have happened if Laura and Klaire had been instructed to try and hypnotize one another instead? You can find the Alt ending for this chapter here: Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5 Alt Ending
Thanks to Sleepygirl for doing the editing for me. If you would like to see her editing reactions to this story, and how it affected her while she was editing you can find that here: Queens are Wild - Editing Banter.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you have any comments I would love to hear them! You can follow more adventures at Spirals Nightclub! You can also find bonus content on my Patreon page!
Featuring: Rayne, Klaire, Eve, Laura, and Trisha
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
And many many more chapters to come!
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