Thursday, February 20, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: The girls continue their hypnotic, and sexy, game of Truth of Dare

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

        The five girls all glanced at one another with devious grins before picking up their cards and laying them face down on the coffee table. Trisha placed down the seven of hearts, Eve laid down the eight of spades, Laura placed down the winning card, the ace of diamonds, while Klaire placed down the five of spades to Klaire, and Rayne with the ten of spades. “Looks like I lost.” Klaire said nervously as she looked at Laura before she could ask the obvious question. “Truth.” she said with confidence that not even she had expected. 
        Laura stared at Klaire for a minute as a playful smile spread across her face. She had to think of the best way to word her question to someone who she knew was new to hypnosis in general. “Alright Klaire,” she started, leaning in with a smile. “Have you ever wished someone would give you a post-hypnotic suggestion that you couldn’t resist?” 
        Klaire leaned back with an aura of arrogance and smiled. “No.” she said matter of factly as everyone around her all started to laugh at the irony. Klaire held her composure for a few more seconds before she finally began to laugh at herself. “Alright, alright.” she admitted. “Yes, but it’s a bit embarrassing.” she paused, suddenly feeling very shy and reserved. 
        “It’s ok.” Rayne said gently as she squeezed her roommates’ shoulders. “We won’t judge, and we won’t hold it against you. I promise.”
         Klaire looked up shyly and noticed the others all nod in agreement. She smiled to herself before continuing. “Some of you…” Klaire said,  looking directly at Rayne, “especially you, might know that I have a thing for…vampire romance novels.” She let the information sit in the room for a moment before continuing. “There’s something so…sexy,” she said bluntly, “about a man that is so confident, so powerful and has such a presence that he can just…look into your eyes and completely enthrall you. That once he makes that eye contact you just can’t look away. He just…has you. And you're helpless to resist.” She took a moment to center herself again. “A vampire…is an almost magical kind of being. Their will is unstoppable. Man or woman, peasant or superheroine, if they look into your eyes…you will obey.” A slight grin formed on her lips. “Anyone in that situation…everyone in that situation would be in the same boat. Helpless. So it’s a way to let go and feel that helplessness.” She blushed and paused a moment before continuing. “So my fantasy would be to have someone give me that kind of trigger, that when they look into my eyes, like a vampire, I could just let go…and…and be free to enjoy.” She dropped her head, blushing deeply at having admitted something very personal about herself.
        She sat in her own little world for a moment before looking up as all four of the others moved to hug her all at once. It was stupidly awkward, but also kind of sweet. As they all pulled away, Rayne smiled warmly at Klaire.. “Thank you for sharing that, we all really appreciate it. And we all, on some level…” she stopped to look at the other three girls, “understand…EXACTLY what you mean.” 
        Klaire nodded softly to Rayne and the rest of the girls. “Thank you.” she said softly before quickly grabbing her next card, which had become the universal sign to move on and a very easy way out of an awkward situation. “Shall we?” she said playfully.
        “Indeed!” Trisha chimed in as she flipped over her card, inspiring the others to do so as well. Trisha placed down the king of clubs, a hard card to beat. Rayne laid down the seven of clubs next, followed by Laura’s four of hearts. Laura seemed almost certain that she was going to lose until Klaire turned over the two of hearts. 
        “Dang it!” Klaire said, blushing. “I lost again!” 
        “No you didn’t.” Eve said with a smile. 
        “Yes she did?” Laura replied, confused. 
        “No Laura, you did!” Eve said as she laid down her card.
        “No, she got a duece, I got a….” her sentence trailed off as she looked down at the card Eve had just laid on the table…the queen of hearts. Laura’s trigger card. Laura’s eyes fixated on the Queen before her, a look of confusion and surprise on her face as her shoulders slowly sagged and her head started to tilt to the side. Slowly, her eyes crossed as she let out a soft sigh and collapsed onto the couch while the others watched. 
        “Oh thank god!” Klaire said with a sigh as the other girls laughed at her response. “What? I don’t like to lose! Even if it is kind of fun.” she added with a playful wink. Still laughing, the rest of the group turned to Eve, waiting to see what she would suggest. 
        Eve thought for a moment as she looked over the sleeping, hypnotized form of Laura, then turned her attention to Trisha. “In your…experience with her, you’d agree that she enjoys being the center of attention, wouldn’t you say? To be the one that everyone is looking at all the time?”
        Trisha laughed knowingly. “She does seem to gravitate to that, doesn’t she?”
        “Yes she certainly does.” Eve said, moving to whisper in Laura’s ear, again loud enough for everyone to hear. “Laura, in a moment you are going to wake up. But when you do you will completely forget that you are Laura the college student, and instead you will be Laura…the playful cat girl. Your thoughts will be that of a feline, and although you’ll know you can’t do all the things that a cat would do, you will still behave like a cat without doing anything that would hurt yourself, understand Laura?”
        Laura nodded ever so slightly without otherwise moving a muscle. It was like she just accepted the suggestions without even thinking about them. 
        “That’s a good little kitten…” Eve said, slowly stroking the side of Laura’s head. “When I say the word catnap, you’ll fall back into a hypnotic trance, and then wake up after a moment. When you do you’ll be back to your normal self and remembering everything you did, understand Laura?” 
        Again Laura gave only a slow, gentle nod that didn’t show the slightest hint of conscious recognition. “Good girl.” Eve concluded. “Then wake up as a cat in…1…2…3.” she said before clapping her hands in a way that echoed through the small cabin. 
        The girls all watched silently and curiously, waiting to see what would happen. Laura opened her eyes and sat up, seemingly completely normal. There were no unusual motions, no unusual looks, she just sat there for a second with slightly glazed eyes and a curious look on her face. Slowly, she looked up at Eve and said “Meow..” and the rest of the room burst into laughter. 
        “Well I guess that worked!” Eve said with a satisfied smile before reaching her hand out and scratching Laura’s head. 
        Laura turned her head to Eve’s hand and let out the loudest purr anyone had ever heard. Her body shifted on the couch as she moved to all fours and leaned into Eve’s hand, still purring. 
        The rest of the girls slowly moved over to Laura and began to pet and scratch her. The feline young woman arched her back and gave an expression of pure, almost sexual, pleasure as her body sank into the pets and scratches. Eventually her arms gave out a bit and she collapsed onto the couch, her head landing in Klaire’s lap. 
        “I’ve never had a cat before.” Klaire said, laughing. “Do you think she’s trainable?”
        “Most cats aren’t.” Trisha said as she watched Laura nuzzle Klaire’s chin with the back of her head, purring and slowly moving her head and face along Klaire’s chest and along her breasts. Since Klaire was the only person wearing a low cut pajama top that showed off her cleavage, Laura was basically rubbing her face against Klaire’s breasts, skin to skin. 
        Klaire blushed as the other girls laughed while Laura continued to purr and nuzzle against Klaire. Trisha moved her hand down, hoping no one would see as she started to caress Laura’s butt, taking the opportunity to cop a feel she had been waiting for all day long. 
        Unfortunately for Trisha’s desire to remain discreet, as soon as she touched her hypnotized friend’s butt, Laura let out a very loud “Mrrrrroooowwww!” and pushed back against Trisha’s hand, responding to the touch in a deeply sensual manner. 
        “So much for being subtle” Rayne teased Trisha, watching Laura arch her back and shiver. 
        “Yeah, total failure but totally worth it.” Trisha conceded. 
        Almost at once, everyone leaned back to give Laura some space to see what she would do on her own. Laura sat back on her butt like a cat and raised her hand up to her head, licking the back of her hand and slowly rubbing it over her head and hair, cleaning herself like a cat would. 
        The other girls just stared, giggling at the scene in front of them. “Am I the only one finding this strangely sexy?” Rayne asked with a giggle. 
        “Nope…this is definitely doing something…” Eve responded with a laugh. “I’m not sure what but it’s something!” 
        Laura continued to clean herself slowly over the course of the next few minutes, before looking at Eve and slowly climbing off of the couch and crawling towards her on all fours. Every so often a soft “meow” would escape her lips. 
        Eve sat on the floor again and laughed as Laura crawled up to her. “Well hello pussycat.” she said with a devilish smile. 
        Laura crawled up to Eve and put her head under her arm and moved it up onto her head, a sign she wanted to be petted. Eve responded by petting the young woman’s head softly to which Laura let her glazed eyes roll up into her head and let out another loud purr. 
        “She seems to really like this I think.” Eve admitted in surprise. 
        Laura looked at Eve and moved closer, then started to lick the other woman’s hand, her tongue coming out just a tiny bit so the tip would slide along Eve’s hand as she purred softly.
        “Ewwww!”  Eve laughed, although she didn’t pull her hand away.  
        “I wonder what she’s going to think when she wakes up?” Klaire asked, leaning in to pet Laura’s back. 
        “I don’t know.” Eve said with a smile. “Why don’t we find out?” She moved her hand away from the side of Laura’s face and slid a finger under her chin to tilt her head up. Laura’s expression was one of curiosity and playfulness, but her eyes were completely unfocused and glazed. “Catnap!” Eve said with a smile. 
        Laura let out an elongated sigh and her body went limp as her eyes rolled up into her head. But because of the way she had been crawling on all fours, she slid forward and landed on Eve’s chest. Eve just let out a laugh and held her sleeping friend so she wouldn't fall any further and waited for her to wake up. 
        It didn’t take long for Laura to recover from her trigger and her eyes blinked open a few moments later. She inhaled deeply and leaned up before bursting into laughter  and turning bright red. “Oh that was…that was weird!” she said, incredibly embarrassed. 
        “Really? I thought you made a lovely pussycat.” Klaire said with a wink. 
        “Absolutely, I could see keeping you as a pet.” Eve said, grinning. 
        “You wouldn’t know what to do with me!” Laura replied, blushing deeply as she grabbed the next card on top of her deck and continued to grin from ear to ear…like a cheshire cat, ironically. 

To Be Continued…

        Curious what might have happened if Eve had given Laura a very different kind of suggestion? Say to think that she was a Slavegirl? You can find the Alt ending for this chapter here: Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4 Alt Ending

Thanks to Sleepygirl for doing the editing for me. If you would like to see her editing reactions to this story, and how it affected her while she was editing you can find that here: Queens are Wild - Editing Banter.

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