Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: The girls continue their sexy hypnotic game of Truth of Dare, where the first dare finally comes into play. 

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

        The five girls all sat around the coffee table in the living room area of their cabin, each holding the top card of their deck. With a mixture of devious and eager smiles, they all dropped them at the same time. A six of spades went to Trisha and the eight of hearts to Eve, while Laura laid down the eight of diamonds. Klaire placed a jack of diamonds on the table, which would end up being the winning card, and, finally, Rayne placed a two of spades, the losing card. 

        Klaire gave a small, almost devious smile as she looked up at Rayne and then leaned forward. “Truth…or Dare?” she asked, almost challenging Rayne to accept a dare. 

        Rayne smiled in return. “Dare!” she said confidently. 

        Everyone else perked up and looked between Rayne and Klaire with eager anticipation. This was, after all, the first dare and they were curious to see what Klaire would come up with, especially being so new to hypnosis. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: The girls continue their hypnotic, and sexy, game of Truth of Dare

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

        The five girls all glanced at one another with devious grins before picking up their cards and laying them face down on the coffee table. Trisha placed down the seven of hearts, Eve laid down the eight of spades, Laura placed down the winning card, the ace of diamonds, while Klaire placed down the five of spades to Klaire, and Rayne with the ten of spades. “Looks like I lost.” Klaire said nervously as she looked at Laura before she could ask the obvious question. “Truth.” she said with confidence that not even she had expected. 
        Laura stared at Klaire for a minute as a playful smile spread across her face. She had to think of the best way to word her question to someone who she knew was new to hypnosis in general. “Alright Klaire,” she started, leaning in with a smile. “Have you ever wished someone would give you a post-hypnotic suggestion that you couldn’t resist?” 
        Klaire leaned back with an aura of arrogance and smiled. “No.” she said matter of factly as everyone around her all started to laugh at the irony. Klaire held her composure for a few more seconds before she finally began to laugh at herself. “Alright, alright.” she admitted. “Yes, but it’s a bit embarrassing.” she paused, suddenly feeling very shy and reserved. 
        “It’s ok.” Rayne said gently as she squeezed her roommates’ shoulders. “We won’t judge, and we won’t hold it against you. I promise.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: Following the events of the previous nights, the girls sit down to play a hypnotic game of Truth of Dare…

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

        As night turned to morning the girls all emerged from the bedroom more or less at the same time, each looking rested but still a little confused. Since the previous night’s activities had left them naked, everyone had changed into pajamas except for Rayne, who simply wore a pair of work out shorts and a t-shirt. 

        Rayne couldn’t help but observe the group of girls before her. None of them seemed to mind what happened to them last night, and although the conversation would occasionally drift back to the hypnotic cards or the evening of passion, it all seemed to be completely normal to the girls. Just as Rayne had suggested. Their demeanor towards one another was also quite different. They seemed more playful and flirty with one another, each in their own way. Even Klaire, who was easily the most uptight of the group, seemed to be giving the others small smiles and making playful little comments back and forth to the others. It was exactly what Rayne was hoping would happen. 

        As breakfast finished and the girls all took the time to clean up their dishes, Laura looked at everyone. “So, what do you guys want to do this morning? We’re surrounded by woods but there is a trail about a mile up, we have a few games in the closet, and a tv with an old VCR attached but the antenna is broken.” 

        Everyone seemed to be enjoying each other’s company too much to want to break up the group, so Rayne took the opportunity to do something else she really wanted to try. “Why don’t we try a game of Truth or Dare, War Edition?” She smiled and moved into the living room, taking a seat on one of the floor pillows near the coffee table where she began to shuffle her deck of cards. The same deck from the night before.        

        The girls all looked at one another, nervous and curious at the same time, and slowly moved into the living room. One by one they took a seat on either the couch, near the coffee table, or on the floor around it. Rayne had finished shuffling and was dealing ten cards in front of each of the girls with two cards left over that she set aside. “So, how does this work?” Laura asked with a playful glint in her eyes.

        “Well…” Rayne started with a smile, “it will be a bit like War. We’ll each turn over a card, whoever has the highest of the five wins and gets to ask Truth of Dare to the person with the lowest card." She waited a moment for everyone to acknowledge that they understood before continuing. “But the Queens…are wild. If a Queen appears, whomever has played the Queen wins automatically, and whomever’s Queen it was will slip instantly into a trance and accept one, and only one, suggestion from the winner.” Rayne straightened her deck in front of her on the coffee table. “Everyone understand?”

        The girls all looked at one another, their faces a mixture of smiles and blushes, but all nodded and agreed. Rayne just smiled and grabbed the top card from her deck. “Alright then…let's begin!” And the girls each flipped over their first card. 

        (Why yes, I DID shuffle a real deck of cards and play this game at my desk while writing this story. Why do you ask?)

        The girls flipped their cards over in unison and placed them face up on the table in front of them. The seven of diamonds went to Trisha, the ten of clubs to Eve, the four of clubs to Laura, the seven of spades to Klaire, and the ace of spades to Rayne. Rayne simply smiled and looked over to Laura, “I win!” she said happily. “Truth or Dare?”

        Laure blushed but quickly responded, “Truth, just to ease into things.”

        Rayne thought for a moment before responding. “If you could hypnotize anyone here, to fulfill a fantasy, who would it be and what would you do?”

        Laura’s face turned beet red. Under any other circumstances she probably would have said something comical, something based on a fantasy novel, or something quirky and fun. But the suggestions from the night before were still deep in her mind, altering her behavior and making her much more comfortable with exploring her hypnotically suggested bisexuality. She turned her head to Trisha and, still blushing, answered almost longingly. “I’d hypnotize Trisha into giving me a very long, very…umm…personal massage. And then I’d make her forget so it was my little secret, and she would always be wondering why I can’t look at her without blushing. But she would never know the truth.” 

        All of the girls just stared at Laura open-mouthed. They were all under the same suggestions, but seeing one of the others answer so candidly still took them by surprise. Trisha looked almost in shock, not so much at the idea but that Laura had said it so freely. She blushed a bit and leaned in closer. “Any time you get me down, I’m here to make your fantasy come true.” She said in a husky voice. Somehow, the blush on her face was even brighter than Laura’s. 

        Rayne smiled and glanced over to Klaire and Eve, noticing that the two of them were staring at Laura and Trisha as if they were fantasizing about what that encounter would look like. The suggestions were working better than Rayne had hoped they would. “Very nice.” Rayne said with a smile to break some of the tension…and before Trisha had the chance to jump Laura right there. She grabbed her next cards and the others did the same, all with a little more energy than before. 

        This time the six of clubs went to Trisha, Eve was dealt the high card of the king of hearts, the eight of clubs went to Laura, the ten of hearts to Klaire, and a measly three of diamonds to Rayne. Eve wasted no time and gave Rayne a fiery expression. “What's the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done under hypnosis?” she asked bluntly. 

        Rayne blushed profusely, unlike the other girls she wasn’t under a suggestion to be comfortable with all of this and she didn’t expect to end up so embarrassed. But then she remembered that the girls wouldn’t remember much of this weekend when it was over, and that helped her calm down. She took a deep breath and replied in a quiet, mousy voice that betrayed her true nature. “A few weeks ago I was in the library researching hypnosis and one of the psychology students was there. We started talking about hypnosis and things like that. He was charming but kind of dorky, and not really my type.” she said, glancing at Klaire and watching a blush creep up her face. “But still cute enough. We got to talking about instant hypnosis, the idea that if you surprise a person and give them a suggestion that it just…works for one reason or another. I didn’t really believe it was possible, but he insisted it was. Eventually we let the conversation go, or at least I thought we did. When it was time to leave he walked me to the door and I told him that I’d see him around. I went to leave but he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, then snapped his fingers in my face. The snap made me blink and pull my head back a bit. I was surprised! I was about to punch him but he said something…just one word actually…”  Rayne trailed off while the others unconsciously leaned forward as they waited for her to continue.

        “Well?” Trisha said impatiently. “What word!?” 

        Rayne swallowed, surprisingly turned on and embarrassed at the same time. “I really don’t remember. I think it was ‘pause’ but I don’t know for sure, it all happened so fast and then I was just…still. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think…It was like I had been put on on pause.” 

        The other girls leaned in closer. “Go on…” Klaire said with a slight tremble in her voice. 

        Rayne blushed a bit more. “Well…I mean there I was, I was just…on pause. He moved around me and whispered something into my ear. I’ve tried to think about it over and over again but I just can’t remember what it was that he said, I can’t even remember what it was about, I just know he spoke…and that’s it.  And then he moved in front of me,  and he um… “ Rayne paused again and blushed an even brighter shade of red. “He kissed me. And then he just walked out of my field of view and was gone. I stood there for a few minutes, I think. and then I just…umm…unpaused I guess. But it was so…exciting to be helpless like that, to just end up instantly and completely unable to do…anything. And to just absorb whatever it was that he was saying.” She visibly shivered and looked at the others. “Well, you asked.” she said flatly.

        “I did!” Eve said with a smile. “And I was not disappointed.”

        The girls all laughed, which helped break the tension before Laura spoke up. “Alright, next round!” she said as she grabbed a card and waited for the others to do the same before flipping it over.

        The five of hearts went to Rayne, then Klaire laid down an ace of clubs, looking rather smug and confident in her victory. The three of hearts went to Laura, who  mentally prepared to have to answer another question. Eve put down the ace of hearts and shot a knowing glance to Klaire as she stuck out her tongue. Until she looked down at Trisha’s card…the queen of diamonds.

        “Oh!” Eve gasped as she stared at the card, blinking more and more slowly. “I thought I…I…thought…I was going…to win.” She said softly as her shoulders slumped down and her head fell to her chest with a soft little bounce. Her long brown hair fell off from her shoulders and in front of her as she breathed slowly and gently, deeply hypnotized.

        “No.” Trisha said, looking at Eve like an animal stalking its prey. “I did. And now you’re mine!”

        Trisha leaned in and began to whisper into Eve’s ear, just loud enough for the others to hear. “You’ve always had such a fluid, sexy way about you Eve. The way your body just flows gently every time you move, every time you walk.  I want you to get up for us Eve and do a sexy little dance for us.” 

        The other girls watched with playful smiles as Eve gently whispered “Yes…dance…” in response. She rose to her feet and began to move her body to music that only she could hear. But it wasn’t a normal dance, her body began swaying in fluid ways that somehow seemed completely natural for her. She bent her knees and twisted in ways to show off her chest and her butt, leaving her shapely legs on display in her tight-fitting pajama shorts. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be completely oblivious to the world around her while she moved, completely lost in her own world as she continued to dance. 

        The rest of the girls were lost in a daze as they focused on their confident, but usually sweet and gentle friend as she moved her body in ways that would easily excite anyone who looked at her. But she wasn’t done just yet. 

        She moved over to the support beam that was in the center of the cabin, unofficially separating the kitchen, dining room and living room into three spaces. It was basically nothing more than a thick square board. But to Eve it was a dancer's pole. She leaned back against it and spread her legs wide, sliding her back down the pole as she rubbed her chest and let her head fall back against the pole, a look of pure pleasure and excitement on her face. Her eyes opened for the first time, glazed and unfocused, as she looked in the direction of Trisha, who could only stare, transfixed by the show unfolding before her. 

        Eve slid her body up and down the pole as if she was riding a horse…or a man. One hand moved down to caress her inner thigh, drawing even more attention to exactly how the image appeared to everyone else, while her other hand moved down her face, catching her lower lip with a few of her fingers and giving her a look of wanton sexual desire. Her fingers lingered there for a moment until her hand moved lower and caressed her neck, then down to her chest. 

        The other girls just stared, mouths open in shock, as Eve slowly pushed herself up and spun around the pillar, wrapping her leg around it and sliding her chest and groin up and down it slowly. Her long brown hair fell in her face again as she quickly flipped her head and her hair back and held herself up with just one hand and the leg around the pillar. She leaned her head back and let out a loud, almost sexual, moan before whipping her head back and pointing her free hand directly at Trisha. 

        Trisha was taken completely by surprise and jerked back ever so slightly, letting out a nervous laugh to break the tension that was building inside of her. She watched helplessly as Eve stepped away from the pole and stood in front of her, sliding a hand along her shoulder and then back to her neck and up her cheek. The glazed look in her eyes and her sleepy expression betrayed just how deeply hypnotized she was, even though her actions implied otherwise. Eve leaned in nose to nose with Trisha and moved her hand along her cheek and down to Trisha’s chest, before playfully pushing the young woman away. 

        The girls all laughed as Eve stood back up, spun around one more time, threw her head back and pressed her chest out….and then relaxed. She slowly dropped down to her cushion on the floor as her head fell to her chest again and her breathing slowed while she fell deeper into her trance. 

        The room was dead silent for several seconds as the girls all looked back and forth between one another. Each of them had the same excited, playful grin as Trisha finally spoke up. “Wooooooooow!” she exclaimed slowly, making everyone else finally burst into laughter. “Do we have to wake her?” Trisha asked Rayne playfully.

        “Sadly, yes.” Rayne conceded. “Did you want to do it?” she asked.

        “Sure!” Trisha said with a smile, leaning in close to Eve and whispering into her ear again. “Thank you my lovely dancer.” she began, “I knew you had it in you, but you won’t know what you did when you wake up. Only that you lost. 1…2…3…Awake!” Trisha said confidently as she snapped her fingers.

        Eve lifted her head, blinking a few times with a soft, sleepy expression still lingering on her face. “What…what did I do?” she asked in confusion. “I feel like I just did a workout?”

        “Oh, you kinda did!” Laura said, laughing. “I think all of our pulses are still racing!”  

        Eve blushed, not really knowing what that meant. Without a word, she grabbed the next card on the top of her deck and prepared to flip it over as the others smiled and prepared to follow suit. 

To be Continued… 

        Curious what might have happened had Eve been given a different hypnotic command, say… to seduce Laura? You can find the Alt ending for this chapter here: Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3 Alt Ending

Thanks to Sleepygirl for doing the editing for me. If you would like to see her editing reactions to this story, and how it affected her while she was editing you can find that here: Queens are Wild - Editing Banter.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you have any comments I would love to hear them! You can follow more adventures at Spirals Nightclub! You can also find bonus content on my Patreon page!

Featuring: RayneKlaireEveLaura, and Trisha

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: With all four girls hypnotized Rayne gives a few suggestions and then starts out on having fun with her lovely companions.

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

Author’s Note: This story in general, and this second chapter specifically, were heavily inspired by the story “A Turn of the Cards” that I believe was written by RCWrites (my copy doesn’t have the author's name on it.)

        Rayne calmed herself down to admire the scene in front of her. Trisha, Laura, Eve, and, most importantly, her roommate Klaire were all slumped against their chairs in a deep relaxed state of hypnosis. Her plan had worked perfectly, even though her main target had been Klaire. The rest were just a very lovely bonus that she planned to enjoy to the fullest. But first she had a little work to do on their oh so open minds.

        “That’s it, my friend…” she began, speaking generally enough for it to feel personal to each of them. “You’re so relaxed and calm. Deep in your mind you realize the power of the Queen. The card that, with just a glance, will slowly lower your mind into a deep, hypnotic trance. Just like you are now, just like you always wanted. Maybe you didn’t even realize this is what you wanted, but now, in this state, it’s so clear to you in your mind.” 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1 Alt Ending

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1 Alt Ending

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: A group of college girls go on a weekend trip to a cabin to relax for a holiday. But one of the group has some more hypnotic plans for their weekend, and a deck of cards gives her the perfect opportunity. But this time we explore what might have happened had Rayne taken another route to hypnotize everyone? You can find the Alt ending for this chapter here: Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1 Alt Ending

Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 2 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 3 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 4 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5
Queen are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 5 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
And many many more chapters to come!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1

Queens are Wild - N.C.U. - Part 1

Key: FD, MC, FF

Description: A group of college girls go on a weekend trip to a cabin to relax for a holiday. But one of the group has some more hypnotic plans for their weekend, and a deck of cards gives her the perfect opportunity. 

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

Author’s Note: This story in general, and this first chapter specifically, were heavily inspired by the story “A Turn of the Cards” that I believe was written by RCWrites (my copy doesn’t have the author's name on it.)

        It was early morning in the New Chicago University dorms, and Rayne sat on her bed with a tablet in one hand and a pen and paper in the other. She was diligently, some might even say obsessively, researching her favorite topic…hypnotism.
        Her concentration was broken, however, by the sound of a young woman giggling in the hallway. Rayne sighed and looked up for the first in a while, only to realize that it was after one in the morning. “Where the hell is Klaire?” she thought to herself as she shook off the distraction and dove back into her work. Only to be immediately interrupted again, this time by what sounded like a person bumping against her door, followed by another playful giggle. 
        Rayne sighed and put down her tablet, getting up to investigate. She opened the door and, to her shock, found her roommate Klaire pinned against the doorframe in the hallway, making out with Josh. “Ahhh!” she screamed, quickly slamming the door as muffled laughter came from behind it.