Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Five Nights at Spirals: Sister Location - Night 1

Five Nights at Spirals: Sister Location - Night 1

Key: FD, MC

Description: Undercover police officer Jennifer Cartwright investigates a creepy company attached to the Spirals Nightclub that rents out adult entertainment to parties, but quickly discovers way more then she intended.

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

This story is a direct sequel to Five Nights at Spirals

        The bachelor party was in full swing with a large group of young men standing around drinking beer, sharing fictional stories of conquests with women that didn’t exist. The music was loud and an old disco ball rotated in the far corner, sending a swirl of colored patterns around the room. Everyone was having a great time and the evening was just beginning. 

        As the party continued, a voice came over the speaker. “Thank you all for attending this special send off party for our good friend John! As you all know John is about to get hitched, and with that comes the end of his social life.” The female announcer paused over the speaker. 

        Several of the men laughed and nudged John playfully, booing and giving him a hard time before the speaker continued. “So tonight, the Spirals Entertainment and Rental Company is pleased to give him a very pleasant, very happy ending to his social life. Without further ado, I give you…Jasmine!” 

        The crowd cheered as a young woman, dressed in various layers of light blue along with several transparent veils, stepped out of one of the adjoining rooms. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and through the veils. It was clear that she was very fit and muscular. Her eyes, however, were completely glazed and unfocused as her body swayed to the music. She seemed to not really be focusing on anything or anyone, only moving her body as seductively as possible. 

        The groom-to-be blushed as the beautiful young woman made her way to the chair he was currently occupying in the center of the room. She swung her veils around in front of him, teasingly giving him glimpses of the body that he would soon get to see. Meanwhile, at the back of the room, a police informant slowly filmed the entire scene with a hidden camera. “Gotcha.” he whispered quietly to himself. 

Night One: 

        The door to the rundown, beat up, and literally held together elevator opened with a very stereotypical “DING!” sound. Undercover police officer Jennifer Cartwright stepped in cautiously. “Damn,” she thought to herself, “I really should have gotten that tetanus booster before I came here.” As the door closed behind her the clunky elevator began its very long, very slow descent into the dark underworld of New Chicago. “This thing better not fall.” she muttered under her breath. 

        “Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career!” an obviously computer generated male voice shouted through the speakers, startling Jennifer as she jumped and shrieked. “Whether you were approached at a job fair,” the voice continued, “read our ad in Spirals, Pocket Watches, and Metronomes, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you!” 

        Jennifer rolled her eyes as she tried to relax again. “Great, a welcome message.” she muttered again.

        The computerized voice continued. “I will be your personal guide to help you get started! I’m a model 5 of the Hypnotic Assistance and Regulation Device, but you can call me Hard-Unit. 

        “Not likely.” Jennifer said with an eye roll. 

        “Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities!” Hard-Unit continued, despite Jennifer's annoyance. “Please enter your name on the keypad.” Hard-Unit explained as a panel opened on the wall next to Jennifer. “This cannot be changed later so please be careful!” 

        Jennier sighed and turned to the digital screen next to her where a keypad was flashing. Of course while it was flashing it was also glitching and moving the keys every few seconds. “I shouldn’t be surprised.” she said to herself. She reached out and began to try and type her name, but after a few attempts all she had was a jumbled mess that didn’t even remotely resemble the name Jennifer. 

        “It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad.” Hard-Unit chimed in. “I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment.” 

        Jennifer raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious what it would reply with as the voice returned. “Welcome…Mesmer Muffin!” Jennifer facepalmed so hard that it echoed inside of the tiny elevator.

        A moment later the doors opened. To her surprise there was no hallway, in fact it appeared that the elevator had stopped in between two massive floors. The only thing available was an air duct that was about two feet by two feet in size and a hand drawn arrow pointing to it that said “enter here.” “Living up to my expectations in every way, I see.” she grumbled as she started to crawl through the vent. 

        About halfway through, Hard-Unit chimed in again. “Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some light-hearted banter. Due to the massive success and unfortunate closure of Mesmerotica’s Hypnotic Emporium, it was clear that the stage was set - no pun intended - for another contender in adult hypnotic entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our hypnotized entertainers are rented out for private gatherings during the day, and it’s your job to get the performers back into proper mindless order before the following morning.” 

        “Sounds like a prostitution ring.” Jennifer thought to herself as she emerged from the ventilation shaft and into a small control room. On either side of her were small windows looking down onto several  large performance areas. “So this is why there was no door, we really are between floors?” she asked, not really expecting an answer. 

        “You are now in the Primary Control Module.” Hard-Unit spoke up again. “It's actually a crawl space between the two front showrooms. Now, let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left. This is Jasmine’s Hypnotic Hideaway and Oasis, encouraging our guests to relax and unwind while raising their pulse rate. You can view the stage by clicking the blue button to your left.”

        Hesitantly, Jennifer reached out her hand and pressed the blue button. Through the window she could see the stage being illuminated as a young woman dressed in a blue see through harem girl outfit sat on the stage. She didn’t seem awake but she also didn’t seem active, it was as if she were waiting for something. But there was something very familiar about her…something Jennifer just couldn’t place.

        “Uh-oh!” Hard-Unit said. “It looks like Jasmine doesn’t feel like dancing. Let’s give her some motivation. Press the red button to administer a hypnotic shock. Maybe that will put a spring back into her step.” 

        “A what?!” Jennifer responded as her eyes widened. “I am NOT giving a person…” she started to say before trailing off. She was undercover and here to gather as much information about this location as possible. She needed to play along, not only for her own safety but also so she could gather the information she needed to shut this place down. “I mean, alright.” she said, noticing a security camera with a red light aimed directly at her. With a resounding sigh she pressed the red button. 

        As she did, a bolt of yellow glowing energy struck Jasmine right in the head, the electricity swirled around her head and made her eyes take on a very eerie yellow glow. At first her body jerked in surprise as she sat there, stunned. Slowly, she rose from her chair and started to dance, swaying to a beat that Jennifer couldn’t hear. Her body swayed seductively as she shook her hips, waving her hands in front of her and allowing her veils to flow and sway with every movement. It all created a rather…seductive scene. 

        Jennifer watched as the scene unfolded in front of her as the electricity slowly faded from around the young woman’s head, while the glow in her eyes was replaced with a glassy, blank expression. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, it was covered by the veils and from this distance she wasn’t confident she would have been able to see it anyway. She felt sick to her stomach. She had literally just helped this place manipulate this poor woman. But on another level, one that was much deeper, she felt a surge of arousal. With the push of a button she had put this young woman into a hypnotic trance and made her dance as if she were the perfect harem girl. That kind of control was stimulating, both being the one to administer the shock and, on a level she refused to admit, fantasizing about what it would be like to be on the receiving end. 

        Jennifer’s thoughts were cut off by Hard-Unit’s computerized voice. “Excellent!” it said. “Jasmine is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow! Now, view the window to your right. This is Flexi’s Funhouse, where our contortionist Flexi encourages guests to learn about all the new positions their bodies can achieve. Try the light and let’s see what Flexi is up to.”

        Jennifer moved to the opposite window and pushed the blue button to her right as another light lit up the stage. On it was a beautiful, thin woman with long, wavy blonde hair, wearing a shiny spiral patterned bodysuit. She appeared to be paused in mid motion, just staring off into space and unmoving. 

        “Looks like Flexi has locked up. Let’s motivate her with a hypnotic shock.” 

        The hesitation in Jennifer vanished this time as she reached out and pressed the button, watching with a very guilty sense of arousal. Another bright yellow bolt of energy flew out of the ceiling and struck the young woman in the head. The energy swirled around her head and down her body, just as it had with Jasmine, making her eyes light up with a bright yellow glow. But unlike Jasmine she remained completely still, stuck in her pose until the energy finally faded. 

        “Let’s try another hypnotic shock.” Hard-Unit said in its flat, uncaring robotic tone. 

        Jennifer felt her pulse spike as she pressed the button again. Another bolt of energy struck the young woman and danced around her head, lighting up her eyes with an even brighter yellow glow. For a moment she felt her arousal spike even more as Flexi stood there, unmoving, and then all at once started to dance. This, however, wasn’t a normal dance. This woman was incredibly, almost unbelievably, flexible. She contorted her body and twirled in ways that made Jennifer gasp in surprise. Bending her body backwards until her head touched her butt, and reaching her arms out to hold them on the ground as her legs flew over her body, only to end up facing the opposite direction before untwisting, fully standing up, and moving on to another pose. 

        “Looks like Flexi is in perfect working order, great job!” Hard-Unit said, making Jennifer notice that it was completely ignoring the fact that this was a living person and not just some device to be rebooted. Nevertheless, the voice continued. “In front of you is another vent shaft. Crawl through it to reach Scarlet’s Sanctum.”

        Jennifer lowered herself down to the vent that was opposite the one she entered in and crawled through for a few feet into another smaller control room. This one only had one window looking down into a large, completely dark area in front of her. 

        “Let’s check the light and see what Scarlet is up to.” Hard-Unit chimed in as two more buttons lit up in front of her. 

        Without really thinking about it, Jennifer hit the blue button as a dim light illuminated the room, which, to her surprise, was completely empty. 

        “Looks like a few of the lights are out,” Hard-Unit explained, “but we can fix that later. Let’s encourage Scarlet to cheer up with a hypnotic shock.”

        Jennifer looked around the barely lit room and pressed the red button.

        To her surprise, yet again, the energy bolt landed not onstage but off in a dark corner of the viewing area. She could see it strike a person’s head as yellow energy trickled around the body, showing the outline of a tall and powerful looking woman. A glow on the far wall, which Jennifer assumed were the woman’s eyes, implied that she was looking away from the control booth. The energy lit up the woman’s body in such a way that, even though it made her glow, it was so dark that the glow made it too bright to see her clearly. She didn't appear to move at all, just stood there in a pose that implied she was hit while trying to sneak away, until finally the glow faded and the room was completely dark again. 

        “Let’s try another hypnotic shock.” Hard-Unit said in the same flat tone.

        Jennifer pressed the button again and another bolt of yellow energy flew out, striking the woman in the head again. But this time she had moved, and appeared to be trying to find a place by the wall, like she was looking for a door or something to escape. The energy arced around her head and her body, silhouetting it in a yellow outline in an otherwise dark room. This time the woman appeared to be unmoving, but was turned away from Jennifer and hiding any detail as to who she was. Before she could get a closer look, the room went black. 

        “Let’s try another controlled shock.” Hard-Unit repeated. 

        Jennifer was barely aware of just how exciting this was for her. To be able to shock a random person into doing whatever she wanted, regardless of if the person wanted it or not, was more exciting than she expected it to be. And the fact that this woman in particular appeared to be trying to escape made it even more exciting in a way she was refusing to acknowledge. Nevertheless, without thinking, her hand pressed the red button once again. And once again a yellow bolt of energy struck the young woman in the head. This time she was pressed against the wall as if trying to hide, her head turned away, but as the energy hit her and lit up her body she was still for just a moment before her body began to move. Suddenly it was swaying in a seductive dance, lighting up the dark room with energy, with more grace than Jennifer had expected of someone of her height. The glow faded again as the energy absorbed into her body, leaving her to dance in what Jennifer could only assume was a blank hypnotic trance.

        “Great job Scarlet, we knew we could count on you!” Hard-Unit exclaimed as Jennifer stared into the dark auditorium. Her eyes had adjusted just enough to see the faint shadowy outline of the woman, Scarlet, inside of the room, giving the imaginary audience a seductive, exotic dance. “That concludes your duties for your first night on the job!” Hard-Unit continued. “We don’t want you to leave overwhelmed, otherwise you might not come back. Please leave, using the vent behind you, and we’ll see you again tomorrow.” 

        Jennifer continued to stare down into the auditorium, grasping for any details that she could see of Scarlet. But her thought process was cut off as Hard-Unit repeated “Please leave.” She turned to look at the vent again and noticed a camera with a red light on it aimed directly at her. She tried to keep her face neutral and avoid showing any kind of reaction to seeing it, and instead climbed back through the vent.  

        Her thoughts were a blur. She wanted to explore, wanted to gather as much information as she could, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched, monitored somehow. 

        “Please leave.” Hard-Unit repeated again, confirming that at least on a system level the company was aware she was still here. 

        She pulled herself out of the vent and into the main control room, glancing to the right to see Jasmine still doing her seductive harem dance, then to the left to see Flexi still performing her erotic contortionist routine. Both women were still completely blank and hypnotized. And she was the one that did it to them. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. 

        She crawled into the vent that would lead her to the elevator and steeled her resolve to make sure that she put her own personal arousal… I mean feelings…aside and do what she could to save these young women. To shut this place down. 

        As she disappeared into the vent, the red light on the security camera in the control room went dark. 

        To be continued…

Curious what might have happened had things gone a little bit differently? Perhaps what might have occurred had Jennifer ended up in a more compromised, more hypnotized state? There is an alt ending to this chapter that you can find here: Five Nights at Spirals: Sister Location - Night 1 Alt Ending

Thanks to Sleepygirl for doing the editing for me. If you would like to see her editing reactions to this story, and how it affected her while she was editing you can find that here: Sister Location - Editing Banter.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you have any comments I would love to hear them! You can follow more adventures at Spirals Nightclub! You can also find bonus content on my Patreon page!

Featuring: Jennifer

Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 1
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 1 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 2
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 2 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 3
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 3 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 4
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 4 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 5
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Night 5 Alt Ending (Patreon Exclusive)
Five Nights At Spirals: Sister Location - Banter File (Patreon Exclusive)

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