Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dragged Along - Spirals - Part 1

Dragged Along - Spirals - Part 1

Key: FD, MC,

Description: Siobahn gets dragged along to the Spirals Nightclub by her co-workers, but as the night goes on she discovers a little something about her own interests. 

        Siobahn sat at her desk, typing as the sound of frustrated keystrokes filled the room. She enjoyed her job, but she enjoyed it more when other people on a project actually did what they were supposed to instead of creating problems to make themselves seem important. It was frustrating and left her stuck to fix the mistakes that would inevitably happen. 

        “You coming tonight?” A perky voice said, breaking her trancelike focus.

        “Huh?” Siobahn said, looking up to see her co-worker Nicole leaning over the top of her cubicle. 

        “You know!” Nicole said with a smile. “We’re going to that new club by the lakeshore tonight, Spinners!”

        “Spirals.” Amanda chimed in as she appeared next to Nicole. “It’s called Spirals, supposed to have a hypnosis theme to it.” Amanda winked.

        “Lovely.” Siobahn sighed as she went back to finishing an email explaining simple tasks to the same person for the fourth time. 

        “You’re going, aren’t you?” Megan said, leaning against the opening of Siobahn’s cubicle. “You have to go, you promised!” 

        “I did?” Siobahn asked, never looking up from the keyboard. “When exactly did I do that?”

        “At the Christmas party when we were talking about how we should all go to a club sometime, you clearly nodded when we were discussing it!” Nicole said in a playfully accusatory tone. 

        Siobahn stopped typing for a moment and looked up at her friend in confusion. “That was four years ago.” 

        “So you remember! Awesome!” Megan said, shoving her friend playfully. “Come on, you need a night out. If you don’t get away from that keyboard soon you're going to start to physically merge with it.” 

        “Could you imagine how much work I could get done that way?” Siobahn asked, hiding the slightest hint of a smile. 

        “Ha ha, very funny. We’re meeting at 7pm sharp!” Amanda said in an attempt to take charge. “And you WILL be there! Understand, missy?” she finished, pointing at her workaholic friend. 

        Siobahn sighed and looked back at the email. “Fine, 7pm. But after tonight my debt is paid and my promise fulfilled.” she said with a smile.

        “Until next week!” Nicole chimed in as the three young women vanished from Siobahn’s cubicle. Either that or she was so focused on her email she didn’t notice them leave. 

        Seven sharp rolled around and Nicole, Amanda and Megan were all in line to enter the club. Each had gone home and changed into something more appropriate, a slinky dress or something more revealing, but still comfortable enough for them to enjoy the evening. Everyone, that is, except for Siobahn, who showed up in her business suit, having come straight from the office. 

        “Aren’t you going to feel uncomfortable in that?” Nicole said, giving her friend a concerned look.  

        “I’ll be fine. Who knows, maybe the bouncer won’t let me in and I’ll get to skip this entire ordeal.” she retorted with a playful wink. 

        “Ha ha. You’re not getting out of this that easily.” Nicole said, giving her a sideways glance.

        Meanwhile, Celene was busy acting as a bouncer at the front doors. Although no one was really turned away except anyone who seemed too aggressive or violent. “Sorry, Miss Bouncer…” Amanda started, “Is it ok if our chaperone comes in with us?” she said, pointing to Siobahn with a teasing smile.

        Celene looked at Siobahn and blinked a few times, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Ummm, are you ok with going in there?” she asked hesitantly. 

        Siobahn held her tongue and simply nodded. “Yeah, it’s fine.” she said reluctantly. “This is what happens when you make a promise without thinking it through.” 

        Celene smiled and waved the four women into the club, but as Siobahn passed she whispered into her ear. “Second floor back table is the quietest place. You’ll be safe there.” She gave her a reassuring pat on the back.  

        Siobahn looked back at her curiously for a split second. “Safe?” she said to herself, just as she was pulled forward by her friends. 

        Inside the club the young women found a table on the second floor, but despite Siobahn’s protests they did not take the table in the back. Instead they took to a table right up front, near the railings that looked down on the dance floor below them. She situated herself in the seat farthest from the railing so she felt like she was at least sitting in the back in spirit.

        The rest of her friends, however, wasted no time enjoying the club. The three of them were busy dancing and waving their hands over their heads, jumping up and down as the music thumped away, shaking the club ever so slightly. They ordered a round of drinks and started to dance with one another, motioning for Siobahn to join them.

        Instead Siobahn just sat there, staring out into the club with her face resting on her hand, bored. She tried to take out her cell phone and answer some emails but once her friends noticed she was forced to put it away. She ripped up a napkin and stuffed it into her ears to dull out the sound and went back to staring out into the club.  

        And then something, or rather someone, caught her eye. She was tall with short red hair, and a semi-professional looking black leather outfit. It appeared that the pants and tank top were all one piece of black leather, with a small black jacket draped over her shoulders. She was more intimidating than Siobahn expected as she watched her move through the dance floor and head to the stairs.

        There was something about the woman that Siobahn couldn’t shake as she continued watching her. She had an aura about her that let everyone know she was not someone to be messed with, seriously or otherwise. Of course, you had to see her coming in order to get that impression, and Nicole was a little too busy dancing to get the memo. So as the intimidating stranger moved up the stairs, Nicole spun around in mid twirl and bumped directly into her. 

        “Oh my gosh!” Nicole said, immediately embarrassed “I am so, so sorry, are you alright miss…ummm?” 

        “Nadia.” the woman said with a smile. “And I’m quite alright. Are you enjoying my club this evening?” she asked. 

        “Your club?” Nicole responded in surprise. 

        Nadia smiled as the young woman stared up at her like a deer in headlights. “Yes, I am the manager of this establishment.” She said, taking a step closer to Nicole, making herself seem even more imposing in the process. 

        “Oh! I’m…I mean, it’s a lovely club!” Nicole said nervously as she took a step back. Her friends, including Siobahn, all watched in stunned silence.

        “Thank you.” Nadia smiled as she looked the young woman directly in the eyes. “And have you tried any of our available…hypnotic entertainment this evening?”

        “Hypnotic entertainment?” Nicole’s voice was barely audible over the music. “I thought that was just a gimmick, you know, the decor for the club?” 

        “Oh it is definitely a gimmick, but it’s also very real.”  Nadia took another step closer to Nicole, making her back up again and bump into the table across from Siobahn. “Would you like a little demonstration?” 

        Nicole was too nervous, too taken by surprise to give Nadia a verbal answer. Instead, she nodded her head silently. Siobahn and her friends all looked on with a morbid sense of curiosity and nervousness, both for themselves and their friend. 

        Without hesitation Nadia raised a pocket watch before Nicole’s eyes and began swinging it from side to side. From where Siobahn was sitting it appeared as if she had simply plucked the watch out of thin air. But there it was, dangling in front of Nicole’s face, slowly moving back and forth before her eyes. 

        Nicole could only stare as the watch swung before her. She wasn’t sure what to do or say, she was too nervous, and Nadia was completely silent while her brain tried to catch up. Finally, Nicole was able to formulate a response. “It’s…it’s a very prett…” 

        “Shhhh!” Nadia said in a way that was both commanding and soothing. “Don’t speak…don’t think…just focus on the watch…let it simply swing…back and forth…back and forth in front of your eyes. Nothing else matters now…nothing at all. Just the watch…just the soothing feeling that comes over you as you focus and watch it move…left…to right…back …and forth. It’s all you can think about…all you can wonder about…isn’t that right now.” She finished with more of a statement than a question. 

        Siobahn’s heart was racing. There was something very…appealing…about what was happening to her friend. She didn’t have time to dissect or analyze it, she was too busy observing. And in her mind the fantasy about what was happening, what could be happening, was starting to form, if only on a subconscious level. The scene before her was stimulating  in ways she didn’t expect and couldn’t process. She was too focused on what was happening to care about how she felt about it. 

        “...y...yes..” Nicole finally spoke up, making Siobahn’s heart skip a beat again. 

        Nadia smiled. “I thought you’d find that so much easier to do if you would simply… let go, and relax. Feel your shoulders loosening, and your head becoming heavy. It feels so natural, so right, to just want to let your mind slip away, even more deeply, as you just watch the watch…swing back and forth. Everything else has faded away, just the watch, and my words. Everything else has simply… vanished,” Nadia snapped her fingers, “from your mind…you are simply…blank,” she snapped again, “and calm.” Another snap. “Isn’t that right?”

        “...uh…huh…” Nicole sighed in response. Her face had gone completely slack as she stared helplessly at the watch while it continued to swing slowly back and forth. Her pupils were starting to dilate as her body slumped against the table she was leaning on. She looked asleep on her feet.

        Siobahn was unaware of just how excited, just how stimulated, this was making her. She unconsciously shifted in her seat, ignoring the wet spot on her panties.  

        “Would you like me to help you, become even more relaxed now, miss?” Nadia asked in a smooth, steady voice. 

        Siobahn was about to answer for her, but Nicole spoke up first and simply said “...yesss…” in a way that made her friends all visibly shiver ever so slightly. 

        Nadia smiled and extended her free hand to gently grab hold of Nicole’s wrist. “I thought you might…all you need to do…is simply…watch…and relax…take in a deep slow breath…and let it out…very slowly…slowly…slowly…and…Sleep!” Nadia tugged on the young woman’s wrist as she quickly pulled the pocket watch away from her face so she wouldn’t slam into it as she fell forward. 

        Siobahn and her friends all jumped in surprise as Nadia commanded Nicole to sleep. They watched as their friend’s eyes rolled up into her head while her entire body fell forward onto Nadia’s chest. For a split second all they could see were the whites of her eyes before they slowly closed, leaving her looking peaceful and calm. 

        Nadia didn’t acknowledge anyone but Nicole and simply put a finger under the young woman’s chin to tilt her head up. “That’s a good girl…follow me, dear.” she said with a smile as she turned and began to walk down the stairs with a very relaxed Nicole in tow. Within moments, they had disappeared into the crowd. 

        The rest of her friends watched them leave in shock, no one said a word for a long while before Megan smiled and turned to the rest of the group. “Ok, so, anyone want another round?” 

        Siobahn could feel herself shiver in her chair. She wasn’t sure if it was nervousness or arousal. At least not yet. 

To be Continued...

There is a bonus chapter available on my patreon covering what happens between Nicole and Nadia backstage if you are interesting you can find that story here: Dragged Along - Spirals - Part 1.1

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you have any comments I would love to hear them! You can follow more adventures at Spirals Nightclub! You can also find bonus content on my Patreon page!

Featuring Siobahn

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