Description: Psyco Turnip returns to take on another hypnotic adventure as a superhero, this time up against villain that uses a very novel method to subdue her, and deflate her just a bit.
This session was used to create the real hypnosis video Superhero Misadventures 4 - Inflation peril.
Sleepyhypno 12:15 AM
Alright Disclaimer time... do you consent to being hypnotized with the purposes of making you feel like you are going to be inflated... helpless, and probably orgasmed, and then having the session logged for people to read later and the session used to create a hypnosis script?
Psyco Turnip 12:16 AM
I Do indeed consent to being tranced, potentially ballooned and profited from what comes of it.
Sleepyhypno 12:16 AM
hehe sounds good to me... =cp
are you all set?
comfy and all of that stuff?
Psyco Turnip 12:17 AM
good to go.
Sleepyhypno 12:17 AM
good, as always... thank you =c)
Psyco Turnip 12:17 AM
Our mutual pleasure.