Key: MD, MC, Snake Hypnosis, Control
Description: With the
girls already deeply hypnotized they agree to continue sinking deeper,
and allow me to have them put on a little bit of a show.
Note: When we last left our lovely young subjects, they were all
completely hypnotized imagining themselves kneeling before the Snake
Charmer completely blanked out and essentially turned ‘off’ in their
mind. I would get LOTS of feedback afterwards that this feeling of being
‘off’ was very enjoyable for them and that they would like to do that
more in the future, so who knows these ‘after party’ logs might become
more of a thing in the future.]
Sleepyhypno: 1:19 AM
i've heard from all of you
just ironing out the last few...
little details
good girls
all four of you have answered
all four of you are deep
and relaxed
open and blank
and all four of you
have choosen to stay this way...
although one of you ...
has to leave
isn't that right ladies?
Princess: 1:20 AM
Ivy: 1:20 AM
Psyco: 1:20 AM
Yes Master.
Sleepygirl: 1:20 AM
Sleepyhypno: 1:20 AM
good girl
just feeling yourself
blank and calm
on your knees
on pause
like a toy that has been turned off…
[Ivy Comment: Oooo, nice one!]
waiting for the music
waiting for instructions
waiting for commands
you can see the other girls
maybe they are dressed like normal
or maybe they are dressed in something more...
setting approriate
it's all up to you...
but it feels nice to know
that you are all...
isn't that right ladies?
Ivy: 1:22 AM
yes yeees
Sleepygirl: 1:22 AM
Psyco: 1:22 AM
Yes Master.
Princess: 1:22 AM